The Management of Bianditz maintains a clear commitment to the quality of our products and service, as well as respect for the environment. As a fundamental tool for its development and growth, assuming the will to continuously improve the efficiency of the Management System implemented in the company, in accordance with the current version of the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards.
Bianditz, in its endeavour to provide the closest possible service to the needs of its stakeholders, is prepared to be the reference company in the ‘design and production of rubber moulds, dies and production of precision turning parts’ and ‘the production of hand tools: screwdriver bits, screwdriver rods, bits, conical and cylindrical punches, and other hand tools’. Focused on results, customers and employees. Encouraging continuous improvement and innovation, communication, partnerships and social responsibility.
For all these reasons, and as a commitment to quality and the environment, Bianditz Management establishes the following Management Policy and undertakes to disseminate it at all levels of the organisation:
- We will analyse the market and the information in our environment, we will get to know our customers, users and the rest of the stakeholders identified in order to systematically collect risks and opportunities for improvement, and new needs from them.
- Based on this information, we will establish our objectives and strategies to guide Bianditz processes towards satisfying the needs of the different stakeholders.
- We will continuously review our processes to optimise their efficiency.
- We will provide the people who make up the Bianditz team with a suitable environment and resources to develop activities aligned with the strategy and the fulfilment of the objectives.
- We will establish long-term relationships with our suppliers and partners, based on mutual benefit, and continuously increase the value added to our customers.
- Being aware of the main environmental impacts generated by our activities, especially in relation to consumption and waste management, and acting accordingly, we are committed to PROTECTION FROM POLLUTION, through the Environmental Management System, maintaining a permanent attitude of vigilance and adaptation of the same.
- Por último evaluaremos nuestro sistema de forma continua, sometiéndolo a los criterios del mercado y los requisitos legales vigentes.
Directorate General