Bicycles are one of the best-selling sports equipment and that is why in most homes we can find one per person who lives on it. That is why more than one person will have had to make certain repairs on them, such as repairing a flat tyre or greasing the chain in one of the simplest cases. If you are one of those people who have had to do maintenance on your bicycle, you will have noticed that having the specific tool to carry out each task can save you a lot of time.
If you are thinking of preparing a kit to fix your bike, we don’t want you to forget a single one and below is a list of all the tools you will need when it comes to repairing your bike:
Air pump
The air pump is one of the elements that we are going to use the most in the maintenance of our bicycles. They will help us to have the right pressure in our tyres in case they are low or when we have to repair a puncture. Within the air pumps we can find all kinds of sizes, the ideal is to have one with a pressure gauge for routine checks and a portable air pump to carry with us and repair the wheel in case of a puncture.
Hexagonal spanners (Allen)
Hex keys are another key tool that we must have if we want to fix any bike. With hex keys we can loosen the screws of our bicycle and for example adjust the saddle to our height. Within the range of Bianditz products we can find two very interesting kits for our bicycles, on the one hand, the sets of 7 spanners, a very interesting option that we can always carry with us on our outings, and on the other hand, the
set of 9 hex keys, an interesting option to have in the toolbox.

TX keys
TX spanners as well as hex spanners are widely used when repairing our bicycles. Some manufacturers tend to equip their components with hex keys and others with TX keys, so we will have to check the type of keys that our bike needs. As with the hex keys, within the Bianditz range of products we can find 2 options, the sets of
keys in blade sizes from TX10 to TX40 and a set of 9 TX keys.

PH and flat screwdrivers
PH and flat screwdrivers are other items that we must have in our toolbox if we want to repair a bicycle. It must be said that they are not the most commonly used tools, but they will come in handy for making certain necessary adjustments. At Bianditz we have a range of PH1, PH2 and PH3 screwdrivers and
flat screwdrivers ranging in size from 3×0.5 to 8×1.2.

Fixed spanners or socket spanners
Fixed spanners or socket spanners are another important tool to carry in our bicycle repair toolbox. It is true that if we have a competition bike we probably don’t need this type of spanner as most of the tightening is done with quick tightening knobs, but in the case of more ‘street’ bikes we will need a set of fixed spanners to loosen the wheels in case of a puncture or the bottom bracket axle.
Pliers may not be the most commonly used tool when it comes to repairing a bike, but they may come in handy more than once to adjust brake or derailleur cables and get a good set-up. That’s why we recommend that, even if you don’t carry them with you, you should always have a pair of pliers in your toolbox.
Deck remover
With the subject of tyres you can get into a long debate about whether to use tubeless tyres ‘tube less’ or not, but in case your bike has a tube you will probably have a puncture one day and you will have to change it. To do this you will need a tool that goes between the tyre and the rim and by levering it out you can ‘easily’ remove the tyre and repair the tube. Without a doubt, a tyre changer is a tool to always carry with you to be able to repair a puncture at any time.
Chain cutter
The chain cutter serves as its name suggests to cut the chain in case it needs to be changed. It is a tool that we will probably not use regularly, but if we ride a lot, we may need to replace the chain at some point and resort to it.
Bike / chain cleaning kit
For the whole system of the bike to work properly it is important to clean it regularly or even every time we use the bike, especially if you are a mountain biker. To do this we will check and clean the brakes, joints or bearings that we may have on the bike, grease the chain, check that the suspension is clean and well adjusted… a complete cleaning of all the mechanical elements.
Cassette spanner and extractor
The cassette spanner is a tool that will come in handy in case we want to remove the cassette and replace it with a new one. Depending on the manufacturer of the bike and the components we will need one type of spanner or another. This type of tool is not something we use every day.
Bottom bracket spanner and puller
The bottom bracket spanner, like the cassette spanner, will be used to remove the bottom bracket and replace it with a new one or to clean the bottom bracket spindle. So it will be a tool that we do not use regularly but if you want to have a complete bike repair kit, it will be interesting to have one in your bag.
Torque screwdriver
El destornillador dinamométrico es una herramienta que nos vendrá muy bien si queremos ajustar piezas que requieren un ajuste preciso en nuestras bicicletas. Este tipo de herramientas es muy útil sobre todo en todas aquellas bicis que usan materiales más blandos como el aluminio y el carbono, ya que limitarán el par de apriete y evitarán roturas imprevistas en nuestras bicicletas. En la gama de destornilladores dinamométricos Bianditz podemos encontrar dos productos muy interesantes para reparar nuestra bicicleta, el primero de ellos con un par de apriete ajustable de 0.4Nm. a 2Nm. y el segundo de 2Nm. a 10Nm.

Multi-tool kit
Multi-tool kits are very interesting to carry with you when you go out for a ride with your bike. Thanks to them we can repair small problems that may arise on our bicycles. In case of a major breakdown, the best thing to do is to stop and visit our workshop to assess the problem.
Rim spanners
The rim spanner will come in handy in those cases where the rim has been damaged by a blow and has become slightly bent. With the rim spanner we will adjust the tension one by one and straighten the rim again. It’s a task we won’t do often, but if you want to have a complete bike repair kit, it’s a tool you definitely have to have. If you want to have a complete tool kit for repairing your bike, we recommend you visit your nearest hardware store and ask for Bianditz tools.
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